The other day someone on a support site
I visit stated that it is possible to overcome the “addiction” of
cross-dressing and GID. They said they wanted to give us all hope
that this doesn't have to be a lifetime affliction, we can overcome
it. So I did a search and found several websites and blogs that
supposedly documented persons overcoming these “addictions.”
These sites all claimed that it was in fact an addiction and as such
could be treated. You need to want it to bad enough and must be
willing to put forth the effort necessary. They sound so convincing,
so hopeful. They carry testimonials of those that have overcome.
It's all so enticing, so convincing it made me think for just a
moment that maybe I should look into this further, that maybe I
should try yet again. But just for a moment, I've been down that
road so many times before and to be honest about it, it didn't do me
any good in fact it came close to destroying me.
Now I didn't check out every website
and blog out there that claims you can overcome cross-dressing and
GID but I did notice a few things about the few I did check out.
First thing I did notice is that they all played on our fear that we
must be committing some horrible sin. Oh yes, all of them that I saw
were Christian based. You are acting against the will of God, you
are sinning and as long as you are sinning there is no hope for you.
Playing on our fears as Christians is nothing new, I guess the church
has been doing that for centuries. The problem is that it's all
according to their interpretation of some scripture passage often
taken out of context, but of course they are always right.
Another thing I noticed was that it is
implied in these websites that if your not experiencing victory over
your cross-dressing or GID that you do not have enough faith in God,
that you haven't given it fully to God's control. It was stated
many, many times that God will heal the hurts, God will help you have
the strength to resist temptation, God will see you through. This
seems to be just another variation on what some have called the
health and wealth gospel. The general idea seems to be that God
wants to heal you of all your ills. If you are sick and your not
getting well then you don't have enough faith. My wife hears this
fairly often from good meaning Christians. She has had diabetics for
several years now and is insulin dependent. From time to time some
one will say to her God can heal you, you just need to have faith.
She will often say to me afterwards if he really wants to heal me why
doesn't he tell me.
Overall there doesn't seem to be a lot
of information available about overcoming this “addiction.” Even
the blogs that state they are documenting their process seem to have
little actual information about what is being done and how it is
going. And I didn't find any information that I could say was of
good quality, all of it was suspect in some way.
One blogger stated that perhaps the
reason there wasn't more on-line about successful overcoming of these
conditions is because its so difficult to talk about it or allow
oneself to think about anything dealing with cross-dressing if you
are going to be successful. From personal experience I can say he
may have a point but there is another possibility.
In December one person started a blog.
He made one post where he said he was going to document his efforts
to overcoming his addiction to cross-dressing. He had found a 12
step program that he was starting to attend. This is now February
and he hasn't made another post even though many have asked him to.
Oh I forgot, his one and only post was in December 2008, he hasn't
been heard of since.
Now I don't know why he never made
another post but I do know that the incidence of suicide among the
trans-gender community is perhaps the highest of any group, the
latest estimate is forty six percent of trans-gendered persons will
attempt suicide and nearly all of us have though about it.
I've spent a lifetime dealing with
being trans-gender and a Christian. I spent many years seeing it as
my addiction, something I must overcome. I've fought this thing,
suppressed it, denied it, tried not to think about it. I was even
successful in overcoming it for a couple of years several different
times. But it was always there, the harder I fought it, the longer I
would go without it the worse it would come back. I personally know
one person that went fifteen years without it but as they say, it
came back with a vengeance.
In spite of what some of these websites
claim it is not an addiction, it is not a learned behavior, it is not
because one of my parents was distant. It goes to the heart of who I
am, what I am, what I'm about. To deny being trans-gender is to deny
me. The result was that it nearly destroyed me. It made me dead
inside and if I hadn't started therapy it's very likely that I would
have been one of those forty six percent. Things are better now but
I still have days. It's tough trying to walk a line where you have
to be something most of the time that you really aren't at heart.
When you have to pretend to be the person everyone else expects you
to be.
This is where my greatest concern lies.
These Christian groups, websites and blogger's in their zeal to save
the world maybe causing great harm and pain to the individual. They
may not be aware of it but they may in fact be driving some to
suicide. Some are already struggling with something they don't
understand and can't control. Then some Christian in authority
condemns their actions as sinful. I understand, I've been there
myself. This creates an enormous amount of stress in your life. In
time that stress may lead some to suicide others simply leave the
church. The end result is the opposite of what we would want to
As someone that has also spent their
life studying the Bible I have to wonder how would my Christ respond
to a community that has a sixty four percent attempted suicide? How
would Christ respond to a community in so much pain? Christ was
compassionate to those who were hurting and confused. Read how many
times it's recorded that he had compassion on them. I have
experienced the pain of living with GID and as Christian I must share
in Christ's compassion for others that are hurting.
(Mark 6:34 KJV) And Jesus, when he
came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them,
because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to
teach them many things.
God bless
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