Monday, January 28, 2013

Transgendered: Life from Death

If you read many stories of transgendered individuals you realize that after awhile these stories begin to sound so much alike. It seems that we transgendered individuals share very similar experiences. The particular details change but the overall experiences are similar. This is especially true of those of us that grew up long before the age of the Internet.

It was a different society then. Society was far less accepting of any LBGT issues than today. Men were sometimes arrested for impersonating women and even most therapists weren't much help. Of course if you were seeing a therapist for any issue you kept it secret. Before the information age came to be it was close to impossible to find information about being transgendered. We grew up in a vacuum. We knew something was wrong with us and often believed we were odd, abnormal.

What is most amazing to me is how so many of us survived to middle age. There is a lot of information today about the high rate of suicide amongst transgendered individuals. But it wasn't even an issue a few decades ago. Such was the ignorance of the day. Today, I wonder how many of the suicides that I knew of or heard about were transgender related. We will never know.

Growing up transgendered, never easy, was far more difficult in that society. It was perhaps made somewhat more difficult for me growing up in a very conservative church. Adding to the difficulties of being transgendered was the guilt and shame I experienced from participating in something that was clearly an abomination to God. I was so strongly attracted to all things feminine not in a sexual way. I so wanted, even needed, to make pretty things a part of my life.   It was so wrong. No matter what I tried I just couldn't get victory over this horrible sin. I tried praying harder, reading my Bible more. I tried vows, I tried will power. I tried more praying. I struggled so hard to suppress and subdue this thing in my life, yet there was nothing but failure.

I became very introverted, withdrawn, friendless and lonely. Not since High School have I had what could be called a close friend. There were people I would talk to but not what I would call close friends, Life consisted of one dreary day followed by another dreary day. Even my Christian faith was drudgery. And it didn't improve even when I became an ordained minister. No-one knew the real me. The years of suppression and struggle took its toll. Eventually I became emotionally dead. Nothing moved me, nothing touched me. I was daily going through the motions of life and ministry that's all it was, going through the motions.

I found pornography would give me a few moments of passion, but nothing could ultimately bring what was dead in me back to life. I realize now that I was in a very dangerous place. Had this gone on much longer It's likely that I would have either committed suicide or become a mass murderer and I can't honestly say which it would have been. I have God and my wife to thank that neither became my reality.

Finally after finding my stash of woman's clothing yet one more time, some of the pornography and knowing something was wrong, my wife had had enough. She gave the ultimatum either start counceling or she was gone. She actually started to make plans to back up her demands. Now being conservative Christians my family had always believed that God was enough. I had always resisted the idea of counceling before. I still believed that I just wasn't committed enough to God. (like that had worked so well up to this time) This time I relented and told her I would seek counceling. I guess that I had enough of my life as well. My wife made some phone calls and found a counselor that could get me in pretty quickly. God had his hand in it as well as he turned out to be a well versed Christian man. Many Christian counselors let their faith color their therapy but he is truly interested in helping his patient become whole again.

I was about two years into therapy that I finally realized that this cross-dressing, this transgender issue was not an addiction nor a horrific sin that I needed to figure out how to eradicate. It is a vital component of my core being, I am transgender, I didn't ask for it, I didn't choose it. I spent decades trying to overcome it and suppress it. Finally I had to admit it, not only am I transgender I am a transsexual. I told my therapist and then my wife. That was a tough day. She was expecting that I was getting help to overcome it now I had to tell her there was a real possibility that I would need to transition and live live as a female. That has become my reality as I now have a gender therapist and am working towards transition in the near future.

It took a little work but I have finally reconciled my faith and my gender issues. I will write more about that in the future. God is more real to me than ever before in my life. He is so good and full of mercy, he's given me a new lease on life. It's becoming more apparent every day that someday soon I will need to leave the church I have been a member of all my life, as my theology and understanding of God is diverging from theirs. That and they're not tolerant of the LGBT community. I can't imagine they will be happy with my transition.

(John 10:10 KJV) The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

I'd been active in the church all my life and always attempted to do what was right. But it was only late in middle age, and only after accepting who I am that I have started to find the abundant life the scriptures told me about. 

God Bless



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