Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Day

Another Super Bowl has come and gone, hallelujah! I think I heard someone say it was the 40th, but I could be wrong. The coming of another Super Bowl always fills me with a certain amount of angst and a little bit of dread. There is a growing sense of expectation as the Super Bowl approaches. Even if your team isn't in the Super Bowl you still gain a bit of excitement. It seems the entire male population and a significant percentage of the female population expect to be watching when the Super Bowl kicks off. Seriously, who doesn't get excited at the approach of the Super Bowl, who doesn't like the Super Bowl?

I will readily admit to my ignorance of all things sports related. Oh I know what each game is played with and generally what is the goal of the game. But in most cases anything beyond that is beyond me. When someone starts talking sports I'm completely lost, the conversation is above me. I don't know who the players are what teams play what sports, who owns them or what city they're in. That's not to mention my lack of knowledge of most of the rules. That's OK or at least I'm OK with it and most of the time it seems to be OK to everyone else also.

But I've noticed a change of attitude at Super Bowl time. It seems to me that if you were born male there is an expectation that you at least are interested in the Super Bowl, know who is playing in it and you have an opinion on who should win. Having none of these creates in me a bit of anxiety. At this time of year inevitably there will be questions about who you support in the game. When I express that I neither know who is playing nor have an opinion about who should win the next response is normally, no seriously who do you like.

Last night we were having our church friends over to the house for a Super Bowl party. (my wife's idea not mine) The adults were watching the game in the family room and the teens were watching in the basement. One would be foolish to leave teens, even churched teens, completely to their own devices in another part of the house. I was making frequent trips down the stairs to keep an eye on them. Often the conversation the ensued focused upon my concept of sports..

They would not believe that I had no interest in sports, never ever did. In all honesty I was terrible in anything resembling sports when I was a child. I didn't like sports in any form and it's likely that contributed to my lack of ability. When my friends would play ball I was looking to get out of it in 5 or 10 minutes, it was so boring. In my late teens I was working for a church that was building a new facility. Just before they entered the new building I resigned. My job in the new building was to oversee the gym program. There was no way I was qualified to do that. The thought of trying to run a gym program brought me terror. They still would not accept my lack of interest in sports. They kept at it.

Most of the time this seems to be OK, but today was the Super Bowl. I've had similar experiences when the Super Bowl was near. After all who doesn't like football on Super Bowl day?

By the way I spent game time in the kitchen and dining room with a couple of the ladies it is after all just football.


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